Borneo Dayak Kayan Baby Carrier Fragment

$ 1,600.00

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This artifact is a fragment of a traditional baby carrier from the Dayak Kayan Aoheng people of Borneo, collected from an old collection in the region. Carved from wood, it exhibits intricate craftsmanship deeply rooted in the cultural and spiritual traditions of the Dayak people. The design prominently features two pairs of large, rounded eyes adorned with coconut shells, creating a striking and symbolic appearance. These eyes, along with the skeletal facial features, serve as protective elements, believed to ward off malevolent spirits and safeguard the child.

The facial features are distinctly arched, enhancing the dramatic and expressive nature of the carving. A central ridge runs vertically down the piece, resembling a spine, reinforcing symmetry and possibly symbolizing ancestral or spiritual connections. The dark patina indicates age and extensive use, adding to its historical and cultural significance.

More than just a functional object, this baby carrier fragment represents the artistic traditions and spiritual beliefs of the Dayak Kayan Aoheng people. Collection from a private collector in Borneo from the 1980s.

reference of similar examples – 

H – 33 x 18 x 7 cm / 537 g

Price include shipping by air parcel worldwide.


Weight 0.537 kg
Dimensions 33 × 18 × 7 cm


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Borneo Dayak Kayan Baby Carrier Fragment
$ 1,600.00
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