Borneo Dayak Quiver Holder With Antler Ornament Of A Hornbill With A Skull Rider

$ 325.00

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Dayaks are well know for their traditions and art. One of the tradition is hunting which they use a blow gun made of wood that is drilled carefully to make a hole and used poison darts to hunt for prey. Here we have quiver holder that is use to attach on a bamboo container which is used to store poison dart. Such holder are normally very simple however this piece shows quite the opposite with its intricate carving from deer antler that is attach to a piece of ironwood and orated with a hornbill bill effigy that a skull rider is riding on it alongside with a skull. Such art is rare on an holder as it seems to show the creators  imagery and skill.

H – 37.5 x 7 x 2 cm / 77 g

Height on Stand – 38 cm

Price include custom stand and shipping.

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Weight 0.347 kg
Dimensions 38 × 7 × 2 cm


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Borneo Dayak Quiver Holder With Antler Ornament Of A Hornbill With A Skull Rider
$ 325.00

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