Dayak Murut Pig trap charm Tun Tun

$ 980.00

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This unusual tun tun with a sitting figure on the top with its elbow on it knees and hand on it face is very common for a tun tun however the scales like back represents a cape and he is wearing a lion cloth with it ears pieces with round ear lobe that looks like a murut hunter which is quite unusual and i suspect that it could be an adaptation of  culture as the iban do have inter marriage tradition. 1980s collection. estimate from the early 1900s.

H – 51 x 4.5 x 3 cm / 104 g

Height with stand – 59 cm

Price include custom stand and shipping.

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Weight 0.301 kg
Dimensions 59 × 4.5 × 3 cm


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Dayak Murut Pig trap charm Tun Tun
$ 980.00

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